July 28, 2016

What is a Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs are a great pet for those who have the time commitment to give them. They want to be a part of your family and should be treated as such. Guinea pigs are not like hamsters or other rodents. They cannot be left in a cage and require interaction.

They are Social

Oreo (right) with her past play mates Patch (back) and Callie (left)
Guinea pigs are known to be very social. When you decide to get a guinea pig, you should always get two. The best option is to go to your local animal shelter that rescues guinea pigs and adopt a bonded pair. Bonded pairs are already socialized and get along. Most shelters will not adopt out just one guinea pig unless you already have one. Even then, most pigs are only available in a bonded pair and will not be separated.

Not only do they live best with a cage mate, but also want to socialize with YOU. Guinea pigs will bond with their pet parents and will cuddle. They also will get excited to see you if you bond with them, and not just because you give them food! ;) Remember, you take in any guinea pig, you take in a new family member.

They require commitment

Oreo hanging out in her favorite spot during cuddle time
Guinea pigs live between 5 and 8 years, so they are a long term commitment. Unless you (and your family) are willing to commit to their care and to them for that long, do not get a guinea pig. Think of them like a mini dog. You don't get a dog and then ignore it. You play with it, you talk to it, you care for it, you make it part of the family. The same goes for a guinea pig! They require fresh food, water, hay and veggies every day. They need a lot of space to run around, including time out of the cage, or as most piggy parents call it: floor time. They also require AT LEAST one hour of socializing with you. If you live somewhere where you can take them outside, do it! On nice days, Oreo (and all my past piggies) get to spend some time outside and they love it! 

Guinea pigs make great pets for the right people who are able to care for them. Getting a guinea pig is not something one should do on a whim. If you are serious about getting a guinea pig, do your research. Make sure you can provide what they need and that they are the right fit for you and your life style.