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What is Cavy Antics?

Cavy Antics is a blog about guinea pigs. Here I will share all the knowledge I have learned with my pigs and share videos and photos of my piggies Oreo, Snickers, and Zoey. Read more about them all here.

What are Cavies?

Cavy is another, more scientific, name for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are a rodent and a common pet now a days. Unfortunately, they are also commonly bought for young children by parents who do not understand the commitment it takes to care for one. While they are fairly easy to take care of, guinea pigs live for a average of 5 to 8 years. That is a long commitment and unless the children are old enough to understand that or the parent(s) are willing to take on the task of caring for the guinea pig(s), they should not be brought into the family.

Guinea pigs are very social animals, which is why you will see many suggest you get at least two. Most rescues will only adopt out guinea pigs in pairs unless it is an unsocial guinea pig (like Oreo has tended to be) or if you already have a guinea pig. I still suggest adopting two even if you already have a piggy or two just in case they do not get along. A bonded pair is your best bet when adopting a couple of pigs. 

For helpful resources, you can go to my resources page. There you can find worksheets and other helpful websites.

Also check out these posts to get you started!
What is a Guinea Pig?
Is a Guinea Pig Right for You?

More info coming soon as posts are published!